Examination Policies



The Institute’s examinations are governed by a number of policies and regulations. It is important that candidates familiarize themselves with these prior to sitting examinations.

Applications to enter the Institute’s examinations constitute acceptance of the Institute of Financial Markets of Pakistan (IFMP) Examination Regulations. As a minimum, candidates should read these regulations as they provide essential information on the conduct of the examination and what the Institute requires of candidates.

Computer Based Examinations

1. Reasonable Adjustments policy

This policy relates to candidates with established disabilities requiring reasonable adjustments. Coverage includes: arranging extra time for dyslexic candidates, arranging individual invigilation, arranging special test papers, etc.

2. Special considerations policy

This policy relates to candidates requesting special consideration due to adverse circumstances beyond their control on the day of the examination. Coverage includes: temporary illness/injury, recent bereavement, etc.

3. . Examination Delivery Complaints policy

This policy relates to candidates wishing to complain about the way their examination was delivered. Coverage includes: delays to the start time, issues with examination centre staff, examination environment, technical disruption, etc.

4. Assessment queries and appeals policy Computer-based and written examinations

This policy relates to queries about the validity of individual questions in an examination or the grade awarded. Coverage includes: how to submit feedback, query outcomes, formal appeal, etc.

5. Inappropriate candidate behaviour policy

This policy relates to inappropriate candidate behaviour before, during and after the examination. Coverage includes: The IFMP response to disruptive or abusive behaviour, illicit communication in the examination room, divulging of examination content, disqualification, etc.

6. Trainers sitting examinations policy

This policy relates to the restrictions on trainers taking examinations.

7. Certificate policy

This policy relates to the issuing of certificates that have not been received and duplicate certificates.

8. Transfers, Withdrawals, re-sits and late entries policy

This policy provides guidelines and prices for transferring and withdrawing an examination, along with re-sit and late entry information, etc.

9. Name change policy

This policy relates to candidates who have changed or intend to change their name.


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