Examination Regulations


1. Identification

Please note, all identification needs to be valid i.e. the date on the identification must not have expired.

1.1 The identification that candidates bring to their examination must bear the exact name that their examination has been booked under. If the name on a candidates’ identification does not match the name that their examination was booked under, they will not be allowed to sit.

1.2 Candidates must show proof of their identity (other than the entry acknowledgement letter) to any IFMP examination official who requests it. Candidates must bring to the examination:

  • Personal identification, which includes a photograph (it must resemble your current appearance), name, and signature, and their confirmation letter;
  • Candidates who have recently changed their name need to refer to the IFMP Name change policy.

1.3 Acceptable forms of ID

Candidates’ personal identification must clearly show their photograph, name and signature. The photograph must resemble your current appearance. One of the following documents is acceptable for this purpose:

  • A valid Passport of any country.
  • A valid full or provisional new style Pakistani driving license issued by any provincial or federal government.
  • The photograph on the licence must resemble your current appearance.
  • A valid Computerized National Identity Card issued by Government of Pakistan.

1.4 Non-acceptable forms of ID

Please note that International driving licenses from any country other than Pakistan, Rail cards, Photo cards, Student photo cards or photo credit cards are not acceptable. In all cases ID must be original, photocopies are not acceptable.

This identification will be checked prior to the examination. If a candidate does not comply with these requirements they will not be permitted to sit the examination and will not be entitled to a refund of the examination fee.

Candidates should call Client Services on +92 21 32072096-97 or email examinations@icm.org.pk prior to their examination date if they are not sure whether their ID will be accepted at the examination center.

2. Permitted Examination Materials

2.1 Candidates must leave the following in a locker or other area specified by the Invigilator: Briefcases, bags, books (including dictionaries), revision notes, mobile phones, and other personal belongings. No reference material, books, revision notes or digital / programmable equipment including watches are allowed into the examination room. The IFMP accepts no responsibility for the loss of any valuables. Candidates taking CBT examinations in English must use the on-screen calculator.

3. Entry and Exit to Examinations

3.1 Candidates are required to arrive at the examination venue at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the examination. You may not be allowed to enter the examination room if you arrive late for the examination.

3.2 Candidates may leave at any time. Candidates wishing to terminate their examination early and leave the examination room may do so but they must show consideration to those candidates who are still working.

4. Unprofessional Behaviour

4.1 Candidates’ attention is drawn to the consequences of any unprofessional behavior, which a candidate displays before, during or after the examination. Where it has been established that a candidate has behaved inappropriately, the IFMP reserves the right to contact the candidate’s firm and it may be notified. For these purposes unprofessional behavior includes, but is not limited to, abusive, disruptive or aggressive behavior, having reference material or revision notes on your person during the examination, cheating or attempting to cheat in the examination, copying by whatever means all or part of the examination content, having someone take the examination on your behalf (which may lead to both parties being reported), failure to disclose if you are a trainer and failure to act in accordance with the examination invigilator’s instructions, failure to adhere to the IFMP Examination Regulations, altering or creating result documents, acting in any way that compromises or threatens to compromise the integrity of any examination, failure to report to the invigilator any clearly observed instances or suspicions of cheating by another candidate, making notes during the tutorial.

Furthermore, candidates are prohibited from disclosing any part of the content of the examination to any person or organization verbally, in writing or by electronic or other means of communication unless expressly given permission to do so by an employee of the IFMP. This includes disclosure to trainers or training companies. The IFMP reserves the right, and the examinations invigilator has the authority, to terminate the examination of any candidate suspected on reasonable grounds of unprofessional behavior, and to have the candidate escorted from the examination room before the examination has finished. In these circumstances, the candidate’s examination sitting will be void and no results will be issued nor examination refund / transfer awarded.

4.2 The IFMP reserves the right where a candidate is suspected of unprofessional behavior, to impose special conditions at the cost of the candidate for any subsequent sittings of the same or other examinations. The IFMP also reserves the right to bar such candidates from entering any of the examinations offered by the IFMP or to impose a time period during which examinations may not be entered. The IFMP may also take steps to reject any application for membership.

5. Liability

Except for any liability of the IFMP for negligence, the IFMP’s liability is limited to a full refund of the examination fee paid for the examination concerned, with the sole consent of IFMP and no influence or decision of any external authority, except under the laws of Pakistan.

6. Compliance with the Regulations

6.1. The candidate undertakes to comply with these regulations and in the event of any failure to do so the IFMP may cancel the candidate’s entry for the examination, terminate the candidate’s participation in the examination and escort the candidate from the examination, or decline to issue the candidate with a result for the examination, and may notify the candidate’s employer. In any such case, neither the IFMP nor the examinations invigilator nor his / her staff shall be liable for any loss (financial or otherwise) accruing to the candidate and / or their firm.

6.2 Candidates’ who are unsuccessful in an examination cannot re-sit the same examination subject until three clear days after their last examination date. For example, if a candidate sat an examination on Thursday, the earliest re-sit date would be Monday.

7. Assistance prior to and during Examinations

7.1. Candidates who require wheelchair access must contact Client Services to make the necessary arrangements.

7.2. Candidates who require assistance during the course of the examination must attract the attention of one of the invigilators only by raising their hand. No candidate may leave the examination room without the permission of one of the invigilators, who may require that the candidate be accompanied whilst out of the examination room.

8. Refusal of Entry

8.1 The IFMP expressly reserves the right to refuse entry to an examination to any candidate who has previously passed the same examination, or who has sat the examination on several occasions.

9. Candidates with particular assessment requirements

9.1 The IFMP policy is to ensure that there are no unnecessary barriers to assessment that prevent candidates from effectively demonstrating their competence. At the same time, The IFMP has to ensure that candidates requiring special examination arrangements are not given any unfair advantages.

9.2 Candidates with conditions such as dyslexia or sight impairment must notify the IFMP in writing (by letter or email) when making their examination booking if reasonable adjustments need to be made. All applications must allow seven days for computer based test, or four weeks before the examination date to enable suitable arrangements to be made. Notification must be accompanied by an original letter from a Doctor or other appropriately qualified expert clearly outlining the reasons for their recommended adjustments in the context of the type of examination to be sat. In the case of dyslexia this should indicate the extent of the condition. Normally, it is policy for such candidates to be given up to 25% further time to complete the examination. An examination date will be offered within 28 days of receiving the request.

9.3 Candidates are required to submit a request for special arrangements for each separate examination booking. Candidates for whom special examination arrangements are made will receive no additional consideration during the assessment of their result.

10. Candidates with particular assessment requirements

10.1 The assessment procedures of the IFMP are designed to ensure reliable, valid and accurate outcomes.

10.2 Complaints relating to the quality of the training providers or quality of learning resources such as study guides will only be considered in respect of the IFMP recommended learning resources. Candidates should note that examinations are based on the examinable syllabus, not on study guides or training courses content.

10.3 Complaints about exam delivery issues
Candidates who feel they have been affected by an examination delivery issue on the day of the examination must complete a ‘Delivery Feedback form’ within 48 hours of the examination.

10.4 Queries on assessment issues
Candidates, who wish to query an assessment issue and / or provide feedback on the content of an examination, must complete an Assessment Feedback form.

10.5 Appeals
Candidates’ attention is drawn to the examination regulations. The IFMP reserves the right to bar candidates from its examination in the event of unprofessional conduct, either from candidates or tutors sitting the exam. Please see policy 4 for full details.

11. Force Majeure

11.1 The IFMP shall not be liable to the candidate or be deemed to be in breach of its agreement to provide examinations and / or results to candidates by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of the IFMP’s obligations, if the delay or failure is due to any cause beyond the IFMP’s reasonable control. Causes beyond the IFMP’s reasonable control shall include:

  • the non-availability (including due to sickness, injury or death) of any person employed or engaged by the IFMP to deliver the services who cannot by the exercise of reasonable endeavors be replaced or substituted;
  • events or circumstances as a result of which any premises where the examinations are to be delivered shall be unavailable if suitable alternative premises cannot by the exercise of reasonable endeavors be found;
  • an examination being terminated prior to its scheduled close (e.g. bomb threat, security evacuation, fire evacuation)

11.2 In such circumstances the IFMP may extend the time for performance of its obligations so affected and if the cause continues for longer than 30 days the IFMP may cancel the examination without liability to the candidate.

11.3 Use of Calculator in examination
This policy relates to candidates who intend to use a Calculator in the examination. IFMP does not allow the candidates to bring their own calculators, however the calculator provided on examination screen of the computer shall be allowed, subject to approval and provision of ‘CALC’ software within the version of the Windows on the computer.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 The laws of Pakistan shall govern these regulations and their interpretation. Subject to regulation 10 the IFMP and the candidate submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Pakistani Courts.

12.2 If any provision of these regulations shall be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under any law or regulation such provision shall be severed from and shall not affect or impair the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

12.3 The examination papers are copyright material that belongs to IFMP.


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