
[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space][heading_border_bottom heading=”IFMP Objectives”][vc_column_text]The Memorandum of Association of the company set out its objectives:

  1. To provide an institution that promotes any scheme or certification programme to enhance the knowledge and educational standards of financial market professionals, including intermediaries, analysts, staff of the stock and commodities exchanges, companies linked with the exchanges and also of regulatory bodies for advancement in the fields of Finance, Investment and Portfolio Management, securities valuation and allied subjects relevant to all or any of the service relating to the financial markets and matters incidental thereto.
  2. To provide a platform for the development of financial markets professionals through holding the certification examination, seminars, conferences, workshops and meetings and to facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of information connected with the financial markets.
  3. To inculcate in the members of the Company, the feeling, understanding and spirit of maintaining and observance of the professional ethics and character and for that purpose prescribe and frame rules and regulations, and enforce them in the manner and to the extent deemed appropriate by the Company.
  4. To provide a platform for research and development relating to objects of the Company and in this regard:
    • To make available key knowledge tools such as: A well equipped library; Database and electronic connectivity; and Website for research publications and interaction
    • To undertake steps for promotion of research such as: To define and support research To encourage members to conduct research; and To participate in regional and international research initiatives;
    • To undertake any activity for development such as: Arrange funding for supporting research; and Organize and set up of a think tank related to the objects of the Company
  5. To represent, express, promote and to give effect to the findings and opinions on events and issues relating to financial markets’ and establish an effective forum of discussions, and to communicate the results of such discussions to the relevant government agencies and regulators in Pakistan.
  6.  To provide consulting services on matters pertaining to financial markets and allied matters.

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